Pitch Prize Winners Announcement
Author Q & A with Saskia Sarginson

Author Q & A with Saskia Sarginson

How and why did you get into writing? I’ve always wanted to write. When I was little, I used to entertain my younger brother and sister with made-up stories. Despite loving writing, I didn’t believe ‘author’ was a viable career choice. I knew I needed to earn a...
Pitch Prize Winners Announced

Pitch Prize Winners Announced

Christmas has come early for eight lucky winners of our inaugural Pitch Prize. Super agent Nelle Andrew of Peters, Fraser & Dunlop has selected her winners from over 300 entries across all genres. Each of the writers will have a one on one meeting with Nelle in...
Pitch Prize Winners Announced

Over 300 submissions for Pitch Prize

Our inaugural Pitch Prize with Peters, Fraser + Dunlop agent Nelle Andrew attracted over 300 entries. Writers submitted their opening 500 words and synopsis for the chance to pitch their novel and receive feedback from Nelle. Up to 10 winners will have a one on one...
Review: How It Ends by Saskia Sarginson

Review: How It Ends by Saskia Sarginson

A quick google search describes Saskia’s latest book, How It Ends, as ‘a sweeping and turbulent drama about the anxieties of post-war Britain, where one strong and inspirational young woman looks to find her place, no matter the cost…’ I’ve never really been a fan of...
Announcing the winners of the First Novel Award

Announcing the winners of the First Novel Award

We are delighted to announce the winners of the First Novel Award 2019. Our judges this year were Nelle Andrew of Peters, Fraser + Dunlop and author Beth Underdown. More than 525 entries were received from around the world with all genres represented. The standard of...