Autumn Away Weekend 2023

Emma Haynes

Emma Haynes

12 October 2023

Our twice yearly Away Days morphed this month into an Autumn Away Weekend. We welcomed 25 writers to a lovely country house in Kintbury, West Berkshire over the weekend of October 7/8. With temperatures in the mid 70s it didn’t feel very Autumnal. In fact, it was a scorcher, but it meant writers were able to have lunch outside and enjoy strolling in the grounds.




On the Saturday, author and writing tutor Emma Darwin started off with a “Plotting & Storytelling” workshop. The basis for the workshop was screenwriter Paul Ashton’s thought “Story is the journey you make, plot is the route you take.” Emma set the group exercises to get their creative juices in full flow and then laid out the writer’s toolkit for turning ideas into great stories that captivate and draw in readers. Writers were sent off into the garden to come up with their own stories based on the techniques Emma had gone through.




There was lots of chat over lunch about works-in-progress and the challenges of finding time for writing in the everyday busyness of life. Writers were enthusiastic about the morning session and discussed the challenges of wrestling with plot and character development.




The workshop continued after lunch with Emma talking about the novel’s 5 Act Structure and then on to Narrators and POV. She shared POV examples from Hilary Mantel, Elena Ferrante, Graham Swift and Bonnie Garmus to explain different POVs. Writers had questions about Showing and Telling and how and when to use them. Emma also shared her “secret sauce” – Psychic Distance, a five step technique that writers can use with all POVs to bring readers closer in to the story.




Afternoon tea with cake was followed by a much anticipated visit from Marina de Pass, a literary agent at The Soho Agency and a Bookseller Rising Star of 2023. We really appreciated her coming at such a busy time with the Frankfurt Book Fair looming. Marina took the audience through the submission process with suggestions for do’s and don’ts in the cover letter, synopsis and opening chapters. She also talked about what she’s looking for and generally what’s selling well at the moment: Romcoms, love stories, cosy crime.



The elevator pitch, a key component of the cover letter was discussed in detail and the group were invited to individually pitch their novel to Marina for feedback. We were delighted that everyone chose to stand up and give their pitch. Marina was impressed and asked writers to submit to her when their novel is finished, following the guidelines on the agency’s website.




The sun shone even brighter on Sunday and a small group enjoyed a full day intense workshop on “Polishing your Submission Package”. Emma began by running through the elements of the package and the order agents look at submissions: Cover letter including pitch first, then the opening chapters and if they like what they read then the synopsis. Emma detailed everyone’s package element by element giving feedback on the samples submitted.

It’s as well to remember that writing is a business and agents need to know who they are going to sell the manuscript to before they take on a debut writer. The Submissions Package is a marketing tool and is the writer’s first opportunity to sell their work. Writers need to know who their audience is and where the book will sit on the shelves. The submission needs to be concise and direct and always follow submission instructions on the agent’s website. Remember also that the writer agent relationship is a literary marriage and to take care that an agent who is interested in representing you is aligned with your own aspirations for the novel and is someone you can trust in your writing career.




Many thanks to the wonderful Emma Darwin and to our lovely agent guest Marina de Pass. Above all thank you to all of you who came and so generously and graciously shared your work and experiences as debut writers.


Emma Haynes

Emma Haynes

Emma is responsible for BPA’s bespoke programme of literary events and retreats as well as managing the First Novel Award and submissions to literary agents. With a background in communications and special events she has an eye for detail and a desire to give writers the best possible experience in an imaginative programme of events. Her retreats at Asthall Manor, the childhood home of the Mitford sisters with guest tutors including Tessa Hadley and Claire Fuller have set a new benchmark in literary experiences. The First Novel Award now in its third year has proved remarkably successful for writers with five of the 2018 shortlist gaining agent representation. With an up to date knowledge of what literary agents are looking for, Emma offers a reading service and advises writers with a polished manuscript which agents to approach and how best to ensure your work gets read. She also contacts agents on behalf of writers where there is a potential match.




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