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Submit Your Entry

Please enter via our form

Upload your opening chapter/up to 5,000 words plus a 300 word synopsis and a covering letter with some information about yourself/career as a writer.

Please ensure that the file name is the title of the story and ensure that this is also in the subject line of your email.

Entries must be in either a doc., docx, or pdf. No other formats will be accepted.

The novel’s title must be on every page but your name should not appear anywhere on the story.

The covering letter should include the following details: your name, the title of your novel, your email address and telephone number, a brief CV or publication history and the genre of your novel if applicable (e.g. uplit, romance, contemporary, historical, psychological thriller, fantasy, crime, women’s, literary)

BPA First Novel Award Submission Form 2025

Please note that in order to process your submission we require payment of £25 via Paypal in advance of the download of documents.

If you have problems with the uploading files /  upload fails;
Please email your files direct: quoting your PayPal email address 


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