Introduction to Literary Agents

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Introduction to Literary Agents

We work with leading literary agents and a number of our clients have secured publishing deals. It’s important to remember that getting published is difficult and we can only help with a perfectly polished manuscript that has commercial potential at a given moment in time. This service is currently only for Y/A and adult fiction and is for either returning BPA clients or BPA clients who have used our mentoring services.

For clients using our editorial services and whose work we feel is up to standard we may approach agents on your behalf if we feel there is a potential match. Please be aware that several edits may be necessary to bring your manuscript up to the required standard. We charge a reading fee for this service based on the length of the manuscript but thereafter there are no further charges.

This is very much a labour of love and we are only able to take on a limited number of clients. Please don’t assume that even after repeated edits we are able to submit to agents on your behalf. We are guided by commercial considerations and it may be that however well written your novel is, we don’t feel able to connect you with an agent.

If you are referred by your editor for a submissions review then our editor will discuss the appropriate reading fee and details of what you can expect.

Introduction to Literary Agents


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