Pitch Prize Winners Announcement

Reader’s Report


Looking for Readers Report? Feedback for Writers

An overview of your full manuscript. Recommended for published novelists who have mastered technique and need to see how a reader receives the novel. Does not include examples from your manuscript.

Up to 80,000 words – from £450 depending of the level of feedback required.
Each additional 1,000 words – £4

Questions about Readers Report?

What is the difference between an editor’s report and a reader’s report?

A reader’s report is a less detailed report aimed at more experienced writers.
There is no marked up manuscript and this will give you an review on the reader’s experience rather than making editorial points or analysing structure etc.

How is the reader’s report different to the reader’s service?

The reader’s service is offered to BPA writers who show exceptional talent, there is no feedback provided but Emma Haynes will then approach agents on your behalf. (See Reader’s Service.)

Need an Editor’s Report?

An Editor’s Report is crucial for honing your manuscript to its highest potential. Our Standard Editorial Report provides a thorough 7-9 page analysis of your entire manuscript, including an overview and detailed comments on structure, narrative, plot, and character development, with specific examples to illustrate key points. Additionally, the report offers actionable recommendations for improvement. For those opting for the Platinum package, you will also receive a marked-up manuscript and a Zoom editorial session for deeper insights and guidance.

Our Report Services

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