July Success Stories



24 July 2020


Neil Daws

Neil Daws, who is represented by Nelle Andrew of Rachel Mills Literary after being commended in last year’s BPA First Novel Award, has signed a three-book deal with Amazon Publishing imprint Thomas & Mercer. In Spite of all Terror, the novel he submitted to the award, will be published in September 2021, with two more books in the WWII-set Crime series to follow.


Rebecca Seery

Client Rebecca Seery worked on her debut novel with head editor Sara Sarre. The BPA team felt the book was incredibly promising and Emma connected her with Jon Wood, agent at RCW, who she has now signed with.


Jacquie Bloese

Jacquie Bloese has signed with Giles Milburn of Madeline Milburn agency with her Historical novel The Watcher of Hauteville House. Sara Sarre worked extensively with Jacquie and was delighted to connect her with Giles.


Frances Brindle

BPA editor Fiona Mitchell worked with Frances Brindle on a psychological thriller about a narcissistic man who tracks down his birth mother and infiltrates himself into her life in the most devious of ways. Frances has now signed with Hannah Weatherill at Northbank Talent.


Annabel Friedlein

Historical novelist Annabel Friedlein also found an agent – Giles Milburn – after receiving a report from Fiona Mitchell for her gripping story of art, obsession and madness in the smoked-filled galleries and salons of the Belle Epoque.

‘Just to let you know that I signed my contract with Giles last week and have begun work on the editorial changes needed to get The Other Magenta ready for submission. This incredible step is all down to you and my heartfelt thanks for spotting the opportunity and facilitating it.’


Huge Congratulations to Neil, Rebecca, Jacquie, Frances and Annabel from all of us at BPA.






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