Revising & Editing
Thursday November 28 6:00 – 8:00 pm GMT
Location: Zoom
All writers know that the most important stage of writing is actually the re-write. Most know that it’s about a whole lot more than tidying up the sentences – but what does that actually mean? What should you be looking for and what do you do about it?
In this two hour tutorial Emma will start with ways to think about your plot and structure, and then drill in to explore how to bring your characters to more vivid, story-driving life. The crucial issue of your narrative’s voices and dialogue comes next, then we’ll explore the power of psychic distance, before finishing with a close-up to look at how all this plays out at the sentence level.
There will be an opportunity to ask questions through the chat box and you should go away with plenty of tips for diagnosing problems, lots of tools for solving them, and a clear plan for how to set about the revising process. There will also be a handout available so that you can focus on the tutorial and not worry about having to make extensive notes.
Attendees are invited to send in questions about their own drafts ahead of time. Emma will review the questions and incorporate as many of them as she can into the tutorial. SO please sign up and then send your question to by November 22. We can’t accept submissions after this date but you can still sign up anytime until the start of the tutorial on November 28.
The tutorial is ideally timed for writers participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), a fun and empowering approach to creative writing.
If you can’t attend in person you may request a recording which will be sent out a day or so after the event. Just let us know beforehand.
Guest tutor:
Assistance to writers on low incomes and/or from communities under represented in publishing
We are offering a free place on each of our online tutorials and Q & A sessions for UK based writers on low incomes and/or from under represented communities in publishing.
Writers may apply for a free place on one of the sessions by contacting BPA with a short bio and a summary of their writing career to date.
Please click here to Contact BPA with your application and in the case of writers on low incomes, proof of financial eligibility such as: Jobseeker’s Allowance; Disability Benefit; Income Support; Working Tax Credit; Child Tax Credit; Proof of being a full-time student; Housing benefit; Proof of being a full-time carer.
All details will be kept confidential. Decisions on who receives the free places rest with the BPA team not the tutors.