Self Publishing for Beginners

Thursday February 13
6:00 – 8:00 pm GMT

In a saturated market, where rejection and even ghosting from agents and publishers are an occupational hazard for authors, self-publishing can be a way to take ownership of your writing life. Whether you want to make a lucrative career out of writing or simply reach the point where at last you hold a copy of your book in your hands, indie publishing might be the breakthrough solution you need. However, knowing how to get started can be daunting.

In this two-hour tutorial, Anna Davidson will guide you through the basic steps to publishing your first book. Hybrid publishers, partnership publishers, Amazon KDP, ‘going wide’, POD, ISBNs – she’ll demystify the jargon so that you know what your options are for ebooks and paperbacks, and what to avoid. Anna will also talk you through the key publishing stages from completed draft manuscript onwards.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions through the chat box and you should go away full of ideas for how you can help your manuscript reach readers. There will also be a handout available so that you can focus on the tutorial and not worry about having to make extensive notes.

Attendees are invited to send in questions ahead of time. Anna will review the questions and incorporate as many of them as she can into the tutorial.

Please sign up and then send your question to by February 9. We can’t accept submissions after this date but you can still sign up anytime until the start of the tutorial on February 13.

If you aren’t able to attend in person, please sign up and request a recording which will be sent out a few days after the event along with the handout.


Guest tutor

Author and writing coach Anna Davidson


Thursday February 13, 2025


6.00 – 8.00 pm GMT


Zoom Platform


Anna Davidson - Blue Pencil Agency

Anna Davidson

Writer, Editor & Managing Editor

Anna Davidson has worked in book publishing for almost thirty years as a writer, editor and managing editor.

Emma Haynes - Blue Pencil Agency

Emma Haynes

Head of Events & Competitions

Emma is responsible for BPA’s bespoke programme of literary events and retreats as well as managing the First Novel Award and submissions

Assistance to writers on low incomes and/or from communities under represented in publishing

We are offering a free place on each of our online tutorials and Q & A sessions for UK based writers on low incomes and/or from under represented communities in publishing.

Writers may apply for a free place on one of the sessions by contacting BPA with a short bio and a summary of their writing career to date.

Please click here to Contact BPA with your application and in the case of writers on low incomes, proof of financial eligibility such as: Jobseeker’s Allowance; Disability Benefit; Income Support; Working Tax Credit; Child Tax Credit; Proof of being a full-time student; Housing benefit; Proof of being a full-time carer.

All details will be kept confidential. Decisions on who receives the free places rest with the BPA team not the tutors.

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