Author Q&A: Lindsey Mellon & Philippa Ronan

Author Q&A: Lindsey Mellon & Philippa Ronan

We recently discovered that, by coincidence, two BPA clients, Philippa Ronan (right) and Lindsey Mellon, were both to be published by the same independent publisher Northside House within only a few weeks of each other. They were happy to share their experience of...
Author Q&A: Triona Campbell

Author Q&A: Triona Campbell

Triona Campbell worked closely with Blue Pencil Agency’s head editor and founder Sara Sarre on a YA novel, after which she successfully acquired an agent and a three-book deal with Scholastic UK. In this Author Q&A, Triona describes working as a film...

Author Q&A: Saloni Surah

Saloni Surah worked closely with Blue Pencil Agency’s head editor and founder Sara Sarre on an Early Reader book Flora Investigates: The Case Of The Missing Gold Eggs which she has recently self-published. We were curious about her self-publishing journey – an...

Author Kara Gnodde in Conversation with her Mentor Sara Sarre

Ahead of the publication of The Theory of (Not Quite) Everything on Feb 28 in the US and March 16 in the UK, we interviewed debut author Kara Gnodde in conversation with her BPA mentor Sara Sarre. Find out where Kara found the initial inspiration for the novel, how...

Author Q&A: Santanu Bhattacharya

Santanu Bhattacharya was longlisted for the BPA First Novel Award 2020 and we’ve enjoyed staying in touch with him ever since. BPA’s Emma Haynes approached a number of agents on his behalf but in the end we were delighted to hear he had signed with Jessica...

Author Q&A: Karen Pierce, runner-up of the BPA First Novel Award 2022

Karen Pierce won second place in the BPA First Novel Award 2022 after impressing the judges with her historical coming-of-age novel, Petal. She has since signed with literary agent Katie Fulford. We decided to ask her some questions about the novel and her journey to...