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Peggy Lee

Peggy Lee

Peggy manages Blue Pencil Agency’s editorial department, social media channels and blog. She completed a Master’s in Prose Fiction at the University of East Anglia, where she found a love for editing and decided to pursue a career working with words. Peggy has had stories published by Liar’s League, Every Day Fiction and Coffin Bell. She is currently working on two contemporary novels.

“Micro” reports and mentoring

Last month, we looked at the "macro" and the benefits of receiving a full manuscript assessment. However, there are also advantages to focusing on a portion of your work. In this blog post, we ask our clients why they wanted feedback on an extract instead of the...

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"Micro" reports and mentoring

Why get a full manuscript assessment?

Twenty years ago, editors at publishing houses had time to work with an author on their manuscript, if they saw promise. As the market has become more and more saturated, this job has moved to literary agents. Now, agents are so busy they often don't have the time...

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Full Manuscript assessments, why should you book one? Blog post

The Seven Basic Plots

In 2004 Christopher Booker published his momentous book, The Seven Basic Plots. It is reputed to have taken him 34 years to complete. Through an extensive analysis of stories originating from around the world, he stipulates that all stories can be reduced to seven...

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The Seven Basic Plots

How to Write Emotion

Reading is above all else an emotional experience. We read to connect with characters, to experience their emotions and to compare them to our own. Nailing emotion is therefore essential to writing compelling fiction. But how to be sure to write emotion in a way...

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How Film Techniques Can Improve Your Writing

Imagine you were brushing your teeth or daydreaming on the underground this morning when suddenly you were hit with an amazing story idea. How might that story first come to you – in words and sentences or as images, like a film? You've probably discovered that you...

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How Film Techniques Can Improve Your Writing

#BPAFavouriteLines: Why We Chose Them

Many of our BPA First Novel Award and Pitch Prize judges say they’re looking for an attention-grabbing opening and a stand-out first line. The first line of your novel is undeniably important, but terms like ‘attention-grabbing’ can be easily misconstrued. That’s...

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#BPA Favourite Lines, Why We Chose Them

When Should You Put a Book in the Drawer?

One of the questions that came up at our recent Q&A with literary agents Eve White and Ludo Cinelli was ‘How do you know when it’s time to give up on a novel?’ Ludo suggested that 25 agent submissions – the number made by the writer asking the question – wasn’t...

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When Should You Put a Book in the Drawer?

21 Motivational Quotes from Today’s Top Authors

“I’m always hoping that I’ll offer something that will help someone who is feeling lost or unseen or desperate. I think literature has a power, it can rescue people at the right time.” – Diana Evans   “What you must do is write what you feel. Analyse your...

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21 Motivational Quotes From Today's Top Authors

How to Edit Dialogue

Dialogue is a crucial component of almost every novel and short story, but it’s rarely taught. Author Ayn Rand says, ‘The best, most natural dialogue is usually written as if the writer is listening to dictation. You might get stuck on any particular point and have...

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How to Edit Dialogue
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