Character with Emma Darwin
How do you develop convincing, lifelike characters while still using them to power your plot? And what if your story-idea hasn’t arrived with characters at all? In this practical workshop we’ll think about what makes characters convincing and keeps the reader caring about them. We’ll explore how to find and develop your characters, how characterisation and theme interact, and what to do when your characters won’t do what they’re told – or don’t feel like they have any life at all. A handout will be sent after the event so you don’t need to make extensive notes. If you can’t attend in person you can purchase the recording and handout.
Category: Online Event
Tags: character, characterisation, characters convincing, characters lack life, characters won’t cooperate, convincing, develop, develop characters, Exercises, find, First draft, foundation, Ideas, interact, Intuitive plotting, lifelike characters, Narrative drive, new stories, new understanding, Novel, novel writing, Plot, power, Practical workshop, Questions, reader caring, Reader engagement, Saggy middle, Sentence-level, Shaping the story, story-idea, Storytelling, storytelling tick, Structure, Structure with Emma Darwin, Successful authors, theme, Whole-book-scale, Writers