BPA First Novel Award Winning THE ACCIDENT by Julia Stone is Out Now

Julia Stone, winner of the BPA First Novel Award 2018, has released her second psychological suspense novel with Orion Dash. The Accident, which won the competition under the title My Poor Deluded Girl, is available now from Amazon, Bookshop.org and more.   ‘I...

Author Q&A with Jacquie Bloese

Jacquie Bloese is a friend of the BPA family and worked with our editors Sara Sarre and Frances Merivale on her debut novel, The French House. We were delighted to hear that Jacquie has signed a two-book deal with Hodder & Stoughton and decided to ask her some...

Client Charley King Publishes Children’s Book with Beercott Books

Mr Blinking by Charley King was published by Beercott Books on April 3rd and is available to purchase here. Charley worked with BPA editor Sara Sarre on a few drafts of Mr Blinking, her first children’s book, and the whole team at BPA is delighted that the book...