Terms and Conditions

When entering the First Novel Award please note the following:

Copyright remains with the author, however we reserve the right to publish extracts of up to 300 words on our website as well as the opening lines on twitter.

By submitting their manuscript, entrants are agreeing for BPA to keep a record of their e-mail address for marketing purposes only. This information will not be shared with third parties. Entrants can unsubscribe from all communication at any time.

When commissioning an editorial report or booking a retreat or workshop please note the following terms and conditions apply:

Editorial Reports:

All reports are written with the intention of improving a writer’s chance of recognition in an increasingly competitive market, but it is important to note that we can’t guarantee publication or indeed representation. In certain circumstances, when a writer shows exceptional talent and is sufficiently developed, or has produced a piece of work that has commercial potential, we will approach agents with the hope of finding representation. Please remember that a writer’s talent is not always compatible with the current demands of the publishing world.

Work cannot begin on a manuscript until payment has been made in full.

We reserve the right to refuse editorial work.


In advance:

Reservations: Please pay a deposit to secure your booking online. You will receive confirmation by email along with some questions about your writing career and goals for attending the retreat. If we consider that the retreat might not be beneficial to you at your stage of writing we will advise you accordingly and return your deposit. The balance will be due eight weeks before the retreat and an invoice will be sent to you to make an online transfer. Unpaid or late balances may be treated as a cancellation and we may offer the place to another writer. Please remember that if you are booking a room share with a friend it is up to you to find a replacement should your friend cancel or to change to a single occupancy room if there is one available.

Cancellations: Cancellations will be accepted up to eight weeks before the retreat takes place. We will return your deposit minus a £50 administration fee. If you cancel after this time, we will keep the full deposit and the balance remains payable unless either you or us are able to fill your place. However please note that responsibility rests with you to find someone else.

Changes: We reserve the right to make changes to the retreat venue, editors and guest tutors. As we are staying in private homes, in unforeseen circumstances we may need to cancel or reschedule a retreat in which case you will receive a full refund of all fees paid.  Please note that we cannot pay travel or other costs,  just the fees you have paid. Please check your insurance to see that any travel expenses can be reclaimed in this eventuality.

During the Retreat:

Damages: We are exceptionally lucky to be able to stay in beautiful, historic family homes and we urge participants to take utmost care in ensuring no damage is done to our hosts’ property and possessions. If you inadvertently cause some damage or something breaks, please notify us immediately.

Photography: For security reasons we ask writers not to take photographs inside the properties of our hosts’ possessions or to post anything on social media that could breach their privacy or security. During the retreat we take photos which may be used on our website or social media for promotion purposes. If you do not wish to be featured, please advise us in writing at the time of booking.

Behaviour: Please be thoughtful and tolerant of other writers at all times. Please also observe the rules of the house which will be explained on arrival and treat the house staff with respect. We understand that writing can be a very emotional and challenging experience and we allow writers the space to express their feelings however we will not tolerate aggressive or inflammatory behaviour towards fellow writers, our editors, guest authors or literary agents. We reserve the right to ask a writer to leave if he or she, in our opinion, behaves in a disruptive way or engages in any discriminatory conduct. No refund will be given in this instance.

Refunds: Writers who decide mid way through the retreat that they wish to leave for personal reasons will not be eligible for a full or part refund of the fee. No refund will be given to anyone asked to leave on account of their behaviour as explained above.


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